I have three or four cats that may be homed in the next week or so... plus two that are leaving a foster this weekend.
First, the kitties that need prayers for a good home:Buttercup.
This little girl so badly needs her own home. She is a singleton and finds it difficult and stressful here with other cats. I have a potential adopter up in the Ventura area interested and so far... so good. Pray that Buttercup finds the perfect home and that I make a good and wise decision for her. Poor kitty was abandoned, then taken in by another who had to place her... AGAIN. So this will be her third home, not including her being in rescue. This is real hard on a cat.Whaler
This once obese seal point Sia- mese boy is now trotting through the house so happy with his new trim body! This is a wonderful cat who really needs a super special home that will continue to care properly for him and keep him slim and trim. He does well with others, and the adopters are happy to move their kitty to his food (Wellness chicken, a very premium wet food). It is really important I make the right decision for Whaler! He was found on a street corner near a park just crying his eyes out, taken to the shelter, then adopted, then given up (he wouldn't eat... was sick), then here. All better now after nine months!
Snowflake, Beauty and Elvis
We have a great home for one of the above cats.Snowflake, the pure white, is an awesome, mellow cat that does well with everyone and does fine with dogs. This cat came from a hoarder who was busted and she was in less than stellar shape at the time, but is just perfect now. Snowflake has been here two years, and we really don't know WHY other than the fact that pure black and pure white cats are the hardest to place. Personally, I'm pulling for Snowflake who likes to sleep atop the piano where I keep my little St. Francis and angel statues, Bibles, hymnal etc. Smart kitty.
Beauty, the grey and white do- mestic short- hair, is a lovely, playful and ex- tremely gentle cat. She was given up with another cat we have, Bella, when a child in the family was said to have developed allergies. She was loved and well cared for and now we just have to find the perfect home. Great cat, and quite beautiful.
Elvis, the show- shoe Sia- mese mix, is a gor- geous and goofy love bug and super affectionate. He is not the most coordinated cat I have ever come across (!) but his temperament is just superior! Elvis is quite beautiful, as well. This is an all around funny and wonderful cat. Elvis was given up due to allergies.
How do we find middle ground?
5 years ago