Back on January 30th, I asked for your help in getting $50 billion yanked from the stimulus bill to help nuclear power (loan guarantees, etc.) and so-called "clean coal" industries.
WE DID IT! Here is a portion of the announcement from Nuclear Information Resource Service:
Late last night, we got word that the $50 Billion in taxpayer loan guarantees for new nuclear reactors and "clean coal" plants has been stripped from the final economic stimulus bill!
Your actions made a huge difference.
To recap, you:
*sent more than 7,600 letters to your Senators in one week
*sent more than 3,000 letters to your Representatives in the House in three days
*sent more than 1100 letters to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid just yesterday afternoonThank heavens. Not only would that bailout money not have created badly needed jobs, it is high time we stop subsidizing the nuclear industry and subsidize clean energy.
Thank you to you that took the one minute to send the letters.
Thank you to you that took the one minute to send the letters.