Friday, January 30, 2009

Interesting Reading For The Day

Nathan over at The Wayward Episcopalian has a terrific post over at his blog today. I hope you will take the time to read it and think about it.

+Gene Robinson will be testifying before the New Hampshire House Judiciary Committee on the issue of gay marriage in the state this coming Thursday, February 5, 1:00pm. It would appear the hearings before this committee are neither televised or broadcast otherwise. Hopefully we can find video of this when it occurs and post. The proposed amendments to bill RSA 21:3--HOUSE BILL 415, "AN ACT adding certain terms regarding non-discrimination to the laws"--authored by Jim Splaine (D) and introduced January 8, 2009, seeks to elevate current civil unions to "marriage" per non-discrimination. Another article is here. Splaine's contact information, should you be inclined, is here. Bill text is here, bill docket is here, and bill status is here. Co sponsors of the bill include: Edward Butler (d), Barbara Richardson (d), and Paul McEachern (d).